Membership FAQ

1) How to become a member?

E-mail: & Membership Form


2) What are benefits to become a member?

Becoming a member of P Digital Network means your content is readily available on major music platforms on domestic and international services. In addition you are entitled to get the rates on par or better than most of the independent labels. In addition you are provided timely and transparent online reports through an online access area for the members.

Members can earn a lot more, we will generate revenue by launching Content ID on all channels including Members channel song. We will provide you Advance Dashboard Ascess directly . So that you can see your own revenue. And you can bring your own money into your bank,

Our Facility

  • Advanced Dashboard.
  • We will not take any percentage of AdSense from your original YouTube channel.
  • Super First YouTube Content ID Claim Able.
  • YouTube Claim Release. (Dedicated Support).
  • Caller tune : Gp/Airtel, Banglalink, Teletalk) RBT & CRBT.
  • Local Platforms: GP Music, Splash, Swadhin Music etc.
  • (Mon-Thursday) From 11 A.M.
  • A dedicated support team is working from 4 p.m.

3) What is the cost of administration of right?

P Digital Network doesn’t operate for profits; it is an organisation setup by the members for the members, as per the current cost approved deducts up to 30% to 20% of revenues towards the operating cost.

4) When do I get paid?

The distribution of royalties is based on actual utilisation of works, as per logs provided by the licensee’s. The current distribution cycle follows a quarterly payment with a delay of 3 months. For example: The royalty of usage for the month of April subject to receipt of logs & payment is released in the month of Julay, and likewise for the subsequent months